The Marine Technology Specialists

About Navtronics

We are a New England based, marine technology integration company run by professional people who are passionate about boats and the cutting-edge technology that goes with them. For the last 20 years we’ve been helping our customers select, design, install and commission the right equipment for each job.

We are always proud to share some of our recent projects. This is what we have been up to lately.

The latest Sabre 43 to be produced made its shake down voyage on a foggy March day this week, heading to our Salem facility. The next item on the agenda is the electronics install and then delivery to its new owner. 
@savageyachts @bostonyacht @volvopentana @pps_volvopenta @garmin @garminmarine @sabreyachts @marinetravelift @boatus @safeharborhawthornecove #fog #newengland #spring #newbuild #sabre43 #sabreyachts #volvopenta #bostonyacht #marinetravellift #newenglandboating #followalong #spring #seatrial #shakedown #electronics #newbuild #navigation #confidenthelm #bytrendsetter #garminmarine #gogarmin #navtronicsmarinegroup #yachts #yachtlife #navtronics

The latest Sabre 43 to be produced made its shake down voyage on a foggy March day this week, heading to our Salem facility. The next item on the agenda is the electronics install and then delivery to its new owner.
@savageyachts @bostonyacht @volvopentana @pps_volvopenta @garmin @garminmarine @sabreyachts @marinetravelift @boatus @safeharborhawthornecove #fog #newengland #spring #newbuild #sabre43 #sabreyachts #volvopenta #bostonyacht #marinetravellift #newenglandboating #followalong #spring #seatrial #shakedown #electronics #newbuild #navigation #confidenthelm #bytrendsetter #garminmarine #gogarmin #navtronicsmarinegroup #yachts #yachtlife #navtronics

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Big shoutout to the JL Audio team for assisting our crew in getting familiar with the tün software. Elevating stereo systems to a whole new level.
@jlaudioinc  @garminmarine @garmin #marine #marineaudio #jlaudio #upgrade #tün #stereo #garmin #garminmarine #training #learning #improve #handson #confidenthelm #navtronicsmarinegroup #centerconsole #audio #caraudio #bytrendsetter #navtronics

Big shoutout to the JL Audio team for assisting our crew in getting familiar with the tün software. Elevating stereo systems to a whole new level.
@jlaudioinc @garminmarine @garmin #marine #marineaudio #jlaudio #upgrade #tün #stereo #garmin #garminmarine #training #learning #improve #handson #confidenthelm #navtronicsmarinegroup #centerconsole #audio #caraudio #bytrendsetter #navtronics

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All hands on deck for today’s JL Audio training.  Some of us our having more fun than others. 
@jlaudioinc @garminmarine @abyc_boatsafety @nmea_org #trainingday #allhands #abyc #jlaudio #garminmarine #tUn #dsp #marineaudio #upgrade #learning #dobetter #intheknow #navtronicsmarinegroup #bytrendsetter #navtronics

All hands on deck for today’s JL Audio training. Some of us our having more fun than others.
@jlaudioinc @garminmarine @abyc_boatsafety @nmea_org #trainingday #allhands #abyc #jlaudio #garminmarine #tUn #dsp #marineaudio #upgrade #learning #dobetter #intheknow #navtronicsmarinegroup #bytrendsetter #navtronics

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Some days it takes the entire team. 
#mjm #teamwork #mjm50 #upgrade #garmin #garminmarine #lumishore #prep #whatcanwedoforyou #howcanwehelp #priorplanningpreventspisspoorperformance #navtronicsmarinegroup #confidenthelm #winterwork #refit #bytrendsetter #navtronics

Some days it takes the entire team.
#mjm #teamwork #mjm50 #upgrade #garmin #garminmarine #lumishore #prep #whatcanwedoforyou #howcanwehelp #priorplanningpreventspisspoorperformance #navtronicsmarinegroup #confidenthelm #winterwork #refit #bytrendsetter #navtronics

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Our York team is all smiles as they busy themselves with the final preparations for our newest Southport build, for Twin Tails Yachts. How can we help you?
@southportboats @twintailsyacht @garminmarine #fishing #centerconsole #newbuild #teamwork #upgrade #howcanwehelp #smile #southportboats #twintailsyacht #milwaukeetools #bytrendsetter #navtronicsmarinegroup #confidenthelm #navtronics

Our York team is all smiles as they busy themselves with the final preparations for our newest Southport build, for Twin Tails Yachts. How can we help you?
@southportboats @twintailsyacht @garminmarine #fishing #centerconsole #newbuild #teamwork #upgrade #howcanwehelp #smile #southportboats #twintailsyacht #milwaukeetools #bytrendsetter #navtronicsmarinegroup #confidenthelm #navtronics

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Great visit with the team at Southport to discuss an epic upcoming build this spring. 
@southportboats @mercurymarine @garminmarine @jlaudioinc @lumishore #boats #boatbuilding #upgrade #newbuild #garmin #jlaudio #lumishore #centerconsole #fishing #newengland #marinetech #projectodyssey #bytrendsetter #navtronicsmarinegroup #mercurymarine #navtronics

Great visit with the team at Southport to discuss an epic upcoming build this spring.
@southportboats @mercurymarine @garminmarine @jlaudioinc @lumishore #boats #boatbuilding #upgrade #newbuild #garmin #jlaudio #lumishore #centerconsole #fishing #newengland #marinetech #projectodyssey #bytrendsetter #navtronicsmarinegroup #mercurymarine #navtronics

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Monday morning back to the grind. Digging in deep on this MJM 50 project. 
@mjmyachts @abyc_boatsafety @nmea_org @milwaukeetool #upgrade #refit #buildbackbetter #nmea #abyc #mimyachts #mjm50 #confidenthelm #navtronicsmarinegroup #bytrendsetter #navtronics

Monday morning back to the grind. Digging in deep on this MJM 50 project.
@mjmyachts @abyc_boatsafety @nmea_org @milwaukeetool #upgrade #refit #buildbackbetter #nmea #abyc #mimyachts #mjm50 #confidenthelm #navtronicsmarinegroup #bytrendsetter #navtronics

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Getting up close and personal with the new Simrad NSS4. What are your questions? Fire them over and I'll tackle them on an upcoming Sundays With Sully.
@simradyachting @simradnation #fishing #chartplotter #mfd #neon #simrad #nmea #multifunctiondisplay #upgrade #marinetechnology #navtronicsmarinegroup #confidenthelm #bytrendsetter #navtronics

Getting up close and personal with the new Simrad NSS4. What are your questions? Fire them over and I`ll tackle them on an upcoming Sundays With Sully.
@simradyachting @simradnation #fishing #chartplotter #mfd #neon #simrad #nmea #multifunctiondisplay #upgrade #marinetechnology #navtronicsmarinegroup #confidenthelm #bytrendsetter #navtronics

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Brands we Support

We know that purchasing a boat can be a major event, and that everyone wants to feel comfortable behind the helm. This is where we come in, to help you gain the confidence, and to get the most enjoyment out of your investment. It doesn’t matter if you have purchased a brand-new boat, or a “new-to-you” boat, let our years of marine experience help set you up for success on the water.